It depends. What type of number? What precision? What length? What do you want as a decimal separator? Etc. The following examples should help you want with the most common tasks.
Positive integers of undefined length:
Positive integers of maximum length (10 in our example):
Positive integers of fixed length (5 in our example):
Negative integers of undefined length:
Negative integers of maximum length (10 in our example):
Negative integers of fixed length (5 in our example):
Integers of undefined length:
Integers of maximum length (10 in our example):
Integers of fixed length (5 in our example):
Numbers of undefined length with or without decimals (1234.1234):
Numbers with 2 decimals (.00):
Currency numbers with optional dollar sign and thousand separators and optional 2 decimals ($1,000,00.00, 10000.12, 0.00):
Percentage from 0 to 100 with optional 2 decimals and optional % sign at the end (0, 0.00, 100.00, 100%, 99.99%):