I found that most of time while working with WEBTABLE we need to the select the row based on some criteria by clicking checkbox or radiobutton.For that first we have to find the row which we have to select based on value of that row like text/link inside the row.
Here I am giving an example how to select a row in Webtable by finding the text. Logic I am using here is first i will find the row number from webtable where my searching text is present using GetRowWithCellText method then I will provide the column name/index of webtable where checkbox is present.
In below mentioned example I will select the row where Confirmation Number is "15204"
Let's see
Select | Date | ConfirmationNumber | User Name | Organization Name |
17-SEP-2008 | 13761 | SMITH'S LP SUPPLY CO. | ||
24-OCT-2008 | 13808 | Micro Motion test1 | ||
13-JUN-2009 | 15058 | Spartan Controls Ltd. | ||
08-AUG-2009 | 15204 | Emerson Process Management |
REM find the row number where "15204" text is present using GetRowWithCellText method
GtRowN = Browser("XYZ").Page("OBC").WebTable("Request Summary").GetRowWithCellText("15204")
REM check text find in webtable or not
If GtRowN >0 Then
REM coulmn index where checkbox is present
Rem here select coulmn name index value is 1
CoulmnIndex = 1
REM create the checkbox object after getting the rownumber and select the row by clicking the checkbox
set objCheckbox = Browser("XYZ").Page("OBC").WebTable("Request Summary").ChildItem(GtRowN,CoulmnIndex,"WebCheckBox",0)
objCheckbox.set "ON"
msgbox "Did not find the value test fail"
End If
First of all want to Thank You for your useful post.
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Thank you it was very useful :)
Thnks much... it worked for me... here is my code... but I think VSTS Automation is a much better tool where we can handle all such things very easily..
intRowNum = browser("General Documents").Page("General Documents").WebTable("Docs").GetRowWithCellText("SRS")
If intRowNum > 0 then
Set lnkFile = browser("General Documents").Page("General Documents").WebTable("Docs").ChildItem(intRowNum,2,"Link",0)
msgbox "SRS not found"
end if
Here is the VSTS Automation code for it, using C#...
foreach (HtmlRow row in this.mUIGeneralDocumentsWindWindow.UIGeneralDocumentsDocument.UIOnetidDoclibViewTbl0Table.Rows)
if (row.InnerText.Contains("SRS") == true)
Mouse.Click(row, row.GetClickablePoint());
how to perform the same task using Web Grid?
gr8 article, thanks a lot...
Good Article...It worked for me but I didnt get where we have used DOM?Please explain brifly as I am new to the QTP and I dont know abt DOM.Thanks.
Thanks for the info but it is not working as displaying "Object Required Error" .
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