1. VB Get All Web page text ( Including All Webelemen...
  2. Get Column Names of WebTable using QTP
  3. Select the row in WEBTABLE/WEBGRID using QTP/DOM
  4. QTP Mercury DeviceReplay vs SendKeys/ Right click...
  5. Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files Working with f...
  6. Adding Data to the File Working with files(FileSys...
  7. Creating Files Working with files(FileSystemObject...
  8. Validation of Sorting in WEBTABLE / QTP
  9. Read Value from Registory / QTP / WScript
  10. Get cell data from webtable / QTP
  11. Execute a DOS command in QTP / CMD with QTP
  12. QTP does not record the application
  13. Close All Browsers Except OLD One QTP VB
  14. Handle Popup Dialog window in Browser QTP
  15. Compare bitmap file using QTP ( using Mercury.File...
  16. Execute() and Eval() statements in QTP
  17. Dictionary Object in QTP
  18. Launch QTP by VB Script
  19. Date Time Functions In Visual Basic / QTP
  20. Create ZiP file VB QTP / UnZip file VB QTP
  21. Scroll the page using QTP / Scroll bar handling
  22. Highlight the text on page using the QTP
  23. Close All Browser QTP
  24. QTP is not recording the web application
  25. QTP 11 Installation Issues/Errors
  26. Visual Relation Identifiers QTP 11
  27. Use Regular Expressions QTP
  28. Use Send Key Method QTP VB
  29. QTP 11.00 New Features
  30. Connect QC through API using VB script
  31. QTP 11 New Object Spy Functionality
  32. Tips to Optimize QTP Scripts to Yield Better Perfo... 

Which one is right ?

