Wednesday 5 May 2021

XPath Axis Family Tree Analogy

 The major XPath axes follow family tree terminology:

  • self:: is you.


  • child:: are your immediate children.
  • descendant:: are your children, and their children, recursively.
  • descendant-or-self:: (aka //): are you and your descendants.


  • parent:: is your mother or father.
  • ancestor:: are your parent, and your parent's parent, recursively.
  • ancestor-or-self:: are you and your ancestors.

Sideways (consider elements earlier in the document to be younger):

  • previous-sibling:: are your younger siblings, in age order.
  • following-sibling:: are your older siblings, in age order.
  • previous:: are your younger siblings and their descendants, in age order.
  • following:: are your older siblings and their descendants, in age order.


  • child:: will select the immediate descendants of the context node, but does not go any deeper, like descendant:: does.
  • following:: will select all of the nodes that come after the context node and their descendant's, but that does not include the context node's descendants.
  • descendant:: will select all of the nodes along the child:: axis, as well as their children, and their children's children, etc..

Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words:

Which one is right ?

